Episode 4: Loving a Non-Stop Work Ethic with Lawyer & Broker Ricky Rathore


How hard should we work? Is there a work-life balance we should strive to achieve or should the goal be to find work that we’re so passionate about we work all the time?

Ricky Rathore loves his job. He’s a real estate broker and a real estate lawyer and he manages a large team of real estate agents (90-100 agents right now). He works all the time, but loves it because of his passion for his company and his love for the job.

In this episode host Greg Martin and Ricky talk about why he loves his job, his philosophy on work, his goals and why he gets frustrated when people try to pull him away from what he loves (the job).

Key Takeaways

  • Ricky is the Broker of Record at RE/MAX Metropolis Realty and a real estate lawyer and founding partner of Rathore Baig Law

  • Takes pride in all the agents that work for him and focus on "solving real estate problems”

  • Got into real estate by accident after wanting to be an architect, but on the advice of his dad became an agent and then a lawyer and focused on real estate

  • His passion and drive to work hard comes from by being so aligned with the company and what he’s trying to achieve

  • “I don’t feel like I’m sacrificing anything because this is what I want to do”

  • Strong personal philosophy around always be learning, his bumper sticker says “Stay in School”

  • Has a “controlling personality” and is challenged by giving up control

Ricky’s Background

Ricky wanted to be an architect. He knew he wanted to build something, but a law firm and a real estate brokerage wasn’t the original plan. But he got into real estate and become an agent/broker, then he became a lawyer and he is still after more learning and more designations. Today he:


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