Episode 47: A New Take on How to Grow Faster at Work and Your Life with Accenture Canada’s Innovation Lead Iliana Oris Valiente


Episode 47. Knowing who we are today helps us figure out the future, how we grow, and what our future holds. Iliana Oris Valiente is a futurist who heads innovation at Accenture Canada and is well-versed in the world of blockchain and AI. Her career accomplishments have been grand, but she truly learned about herself in 2021 when she suffered burnout, forcing herself to assess who she was and what she needed to succeed in her career.

In this episode, Iliana shares her journey with host Greg Martin about today, where she understands how to embrace her personality to enjoy her working life. She has lots of advice on AI, how we can embrace the future, the future of work and how all this can help us become the person we want to be.

Key Takeaways and Discussion

  • Why her background and career trajectory are non-traditional.

  • What she thought when she entered the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. 

  • How her travel experiences influenced her interest in cryptocurrency.

  • How her perspective as a CPA influenced the way she viewed crypto. 

  • Why Iliana always thought she would become an engineer and why she didn’t.

  • What led Iliana to burnout was the moment she broke down as a result.

  • The importance of prioritizing your mental health and why it really matters.

  • Why she describes herself as more of a “potted plant” than a “digital nomad.”

  • How the “potted plant” analogy helps individuals find where they can truly thrive.

  • The unique and exciting AI project Iliana is a part of right now.

  • How Iliana sees the future of work and what’s going to matter years from now.

  • Why it’s important in her role to be comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity. 

  • How organizations are responsible for preparing their teams for the future.

Iliana’s Background

  • Iliana began her studies with the goal of pursuing international development but later pivoted to focus on accounting and the business world, earning a CPA and working in audit 

  • She later pivoted to working within Deloitte in a few roles before becoming a Blockchain Strategy Leader

  • Currently, she serves on multiple boards while performing her day job as Managing Director and Canada Innovation & ESG Lead for Accenture

  • Linked-In and Personal Website


Episode 48: You Need the Right Attitude or You Won’t Enjoy Work with Nicole Greer


Episode 46: Beware and Avoid Getting “Trapped” in a Career with Karthik Suresh