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Episode 56: The Future of Work Can Be Better for All with Lawyer Niki Avraam
Episode 56. There is the typical way to advance in a law career, and then there’s the approach Niki Avraam took.
Niki is a legal entrepreneur, speaker, and the co-founder of Howat Avraam Solicitors. When she saw room for societal growth and change, she decided to pivot from focusing on commercial law towards employment and discrimination. Her approach to her legal career is different than most. Instead of the traditional, she has focused on the future.
Niki is working on answering some important questions: How do we shape the workforce of the future, how do we ensure people feel significant within their organization, and how can leaders support that? She’ll share why she’s so passionate about the work she does, plus where her desire to encourage agency in the workforce comes from.

Episode 47: A New Take on How to Grow Faster at Work and Your Life with Accenture Canada’s Innovation Lead Iliana Oris Valiente
Episode 47. Knowing who we are today helps us figure out the future, how we grow, and what our future holds. Iliana Oris Valiente is a futurist who heads innovation at Accenture Canada and is well verse in the world of blockchain and AI. Her career accomplishments have been grand, but she truly learned about herself in 2021 when she suffered burnout, forcing herself to assess who she was and what she needed to succeed in her career.
In this episode, Iliana shares with host Greg Martin her journey to today where she understand how to embrace her personality to enjoy her working life. She has lots of advice on AI, how each of us can embrace the future, the future of work and how all this can help us become the person we really want to be.